Dimmere - Colectie de linkuri
Dimmers - Links Collection
Dimmers - Links Collection
Legaturi pe acest website:
Alte resurse (1):
- Thyristor Theory and Design Considerations Handbook -HBD855/D- Rev.1, Nov-2006
- The Generation Game: Developments in Dimming Technology - by Jan de Jonge
- Electronic Light Intensity Control to Simulate Dusk and Dawn Conditions (htm)
- Electronic Light Intensity Control to Simulate Dusk and Dawn Conditions (pdf)
- Notes on the Troubleshooting and Repair of Small Household Appliances and Power Tools
- Digital dimming
- Power Control - Basic Lamp Dimmer
- TRIAC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- TRIAC Light Dimmer
- TRIAC Light Dimmer (may be removed), Ir Light Dimmer v.1 (may be removed)
- Modeling the DIAC
- Kit 19. 220V/240V LIGHT DIMMER
- Ir Light Dimmer
- Dimmer switch
- Triac Light Dimmer (The Open Door Web Site )
- Light Dimmer
- Light Dimming
- IGBT Dimming - Benefits of IGBT vs. SCR Dimming
- IGBT Dimming - Benefits of IGBT vs. Sinewave Dimming
- Strand C21 TrueSine Dimmers
- IGBT Stage Lighting Dimmers - A Primer
- Silent Dimming Technology - Benefits of silent dimming
- Silent Dimming Technology - Forward phase control (SCR)
- Silent Dimming Technology - Reverse phase control
- Silent Dimming Technology - Pulse Width Modulation (SineWave)
- Sine Wave Dimming
- Hang Ten - Sine wave dimming: what�s all the (lack of) noise about?
- Used Entertainment Technology
- Blue Room technical forum > Distributed Dimming
- Light Management - Church Buyers Guide
- The DMX512.com Forum
- DMX512 Technical Resources
- Light dimmer circuits
- 0 to 10V Analog Control Protocol
- Four channel dimmer rack
- PWM Motor Speed Controller / DC Light Dimmer
- Wireless controlled lightdimmer
- Wireless controlled lightdimmer - Download RC5_DIM.HEX, V-1 to program in a PIC12F629
- Wireless controlled lightdimmer - Download scheme as PDF file
- Wireless controlled lightdimmer - PCB layout 101226 as PDF file
- Ir Lamp Remote (PIC16F628)
- Ir Lamp Remote Rroject (PIC16F628)
- PICDIM Lamp Dimmer for the PIC12C508 - Nota de aplicatie Microchip
- PIC16F84 based TRIAC / IGBT phase controller for 50/60Hz brightness control by Mike Pearce
- Phase Controller for 2kW heater by Mike Pearce
- C sample code for PIC micros and Hi-Tech C
- CMOS gate implements reverse phase control - EDN Design Ideas
- Reglarea nivelului fluxului luminos al lampilor - de ce? si... cum? - Petru PERICLE-MICU, Legrand Romania - Ingineria iluminatului 8-2001
Alte resurse (2):
- How to design a dimming fluorescent electronic ballast
- Fully Integrated Digital Ballast Controller with Phase Control
- ICB1FL01G - Smart Ballast Control IC for Fluorescent Lamp Ballasts
- TDK Application Note 97 - DC-AC INVERTER UNIT
- A Two-into-one Homemade Neon Dimmer
- Microcontrollers Simplify Lamp Ballast Design
- A new digital era for the dimming of luminaires with digital ballasts and components - Necdet KINALI - TRIDONIC Bauelemente, Austria (Ingineria iluminatului 6-2000)
Discutii pe forum:
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - Light Dimmer (08/2003)
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - Voice controled light dimming (07/2007)
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - 12/24V Incandescent Light Bulb Dimmer to drive MR-16 LED Lamp (07/2007)
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - Light dimmer (09/2007)
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - Digital inline dimmer power supply (09/2007)
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - Circuit to soft-start 300 watts of lighting? (10/2007)
- Forum electro-tech-online.com - PIC IR Light Dimmer working grate (11/2007)
- Forum diyAudio.com - Toroids in DMX Dimmers (06/2006)
- Forum diyAudio.com - "Dimmers" for inductive motor loads (08/2007)
- Electronics-Lab.com Community - IR Light Dimmer v.1 - hex file (10/2007)
- Electronics-Lab.com Community - THE DIAC????????????? (09/2007)
- Electronics-Lab.com Community - 230V/1000W AC dimmer
- Softpedia Forum - Touch sensitive lamp (12/2004)
- Softpedia Forum - Variator de tensiune (09/2005)
- Softpedia Forum - KY202H9101, ce e asta ? (02/2006)
- Softpedia Forum - Dimmer actionat pe IR sau RS-232 (05/2006)
- Softpedia Forum - Transformator Electronic + Infrared Dimmer (09/2006)
- Softpedia Forum - Variator de tensiune pt. o lampa de birou (10/2006)
- Softpedia Forum - Variator (dimmer) (10/2006-10/2007)
- Softpedia Forum - Variator de tens.pt.lampadar cu becuri de 12 volti, cu trafo electronic 220v/12v (01/2007)
- Softpedia Forum - Doresc o explicatie cu privire la variatorul de tensiune cu triac (02/2007)
- Softpedia Forum - Flux luminos variabil la tuburile fluorescente (03/2007)
- Softpedia Forum - IrLightDimmer, nevoie de fisier .hex (01/2008)
- Softpedia Forum - Variator de tensiune cu tranzistoare (03/2008)
- Elforum - Light dimmer cu PIC (11/2004)
- Elforum - Spoturi 12 V si variator (11/2006)
- Elforum - help variator 220V (12/2006)
- Elforum - Doresc o explicatie, fenomen ciudat rau cu un variator (02/2007)
- Elforum - IrLightDimmer (01/2008)